Masks are optional to all our patients.

In Case Of An Emergency

If you develop a medical emergency, call 911 or 330-493-0313. Immediate arrangements will be made for you to be seen. Always call our office before going to the hospital.

Vaginal Delivery / Postpartum Instructions

General activity

You will want to take it easy for several days after the delivery. Resume your normal activities slowly as tolerated. Be careful not to do too much. Try to avoid becoming overly fatigued and try to rest as much as possible. Avoid lifting heavy objects (more than 15-20 pounds). If you need refills on your Prenatal vitamins, please call. Call the office if you have any problems or questions. Keep your appointment for you six week checkup.


You may ride in a car without restriction. Avoid driving for 1-2 weeks until you can move your foot from the accelerator to brake without discomfort. When you first drive, take someone with you. Do not drive if you are taking prescription pain medication.


Resume your normal diet. Eat a well-balanced diet. Drink plenty of water daily. You may take a mild laxative or stool softener (Senekot, Colace, Pericolace, Metamuil, Milk of Magnesia) or drink prune or apple juice if you experience constipation. Avoid straining to have a bowel movement.


Avoid vigorous exercise or straining. Walking and low impact moderate exercise may be started slowly after three weeks. Wait until after your six week checkup before beginning a regular exercise program.

Vaginal discharge

You will experience some vaginal bleeding for one to two weeks after delivery. You may continue to have brown, pink, or yellow discharge for up to six weeks. A thick yellow or green discharge, foul odor, or extreme tenderness in your lower abdomen is not normal and you should call the office immediately.

Perineal care

Keep the area clean and dry. You may shower. Sitz baths help reduce pain or swelling – use for 10-15 minutes twice daily during the first week. You may add Dreft Soap to the water. You may sit in the bathtub. You may shower without restriction. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are safe for routine pain and soreness. If severe pain or swelling develops, call the office immediately.

Tampons, douching, intercourse

Avoid tampons, douching, and intercourse until after your postpartum visit. Severe infection may result. The first menstrual period after delivery will probably be delayed and different from your normal period. Use protection to avoid pregnancy.


You may return to work or school in six weeks or as directed by your health care provider. If you are going to be traveling, you need to stop every two hours and walk for 10 minutes. This will prevent blood clots from forming in your legs.

From L to R



Randall Starcher, MD

Jason Hoppe, DO

Megan Staub, MD


Diane Kreitzer, NP

Julianne Yang, MD

Sunitha Jagadish, MD

Melissa Vassas, DO

Eldy Lazaroff, NP

Need help? Have a question? Message us today!